Why is Starbucks Globally attractive for Consumers?
We all know that drinking hot coffee or tea is a part of everyday routine in all the parts of the world. However, different cultures do it in their way. Some Cultures and communities like really hot coffee because of harsh winters, some will have them in shiny summers while other may like the cold beverages. The point is that Coffee/ tea has a huge global market potential, and the Coffee Chain Giants like Starbucks know that.
So in this blog, we will try to unfold the reasons behind the global success of Starbucks Coffee and why the customers are attracted towards them over the other competitors in the market?
- It is For Everyone :
we all know that the coffee chains theses days just don't carry the coffee only. They mean much more than just serving coffee. Coffee stores carry small and quickly serviceable food items to serve with the coffee. They carry a wide range of Coffee, Tea, Cold Coffee/tea, Other drinks, food, sandwiches and snacks. Starbucks serve a wide range of these non just coffee products to attract the customers.
- Store Interiors:
People has many reasons to visit a coffee store like killing the time, meetings, winters etc. But the dining structure of a store may attract many. Customers are well aware of the significant of Starbucks dining and ambiance style. Hence the store interior does matter in case of Starbucks.
The following video will give you an insight into this marketing strategy:
(Source : https://youtu.be/EBZ9mcJuNy4)
- Starbucks Consistency:
This might be the biggest reason for the loyal Starbucks fans to regularly visit their favorite Starbucks store. No matter which location you choose to buy a Starbucks coffee, you will get the same great consistency throughout your experience at the store, This keeps the regular customers loyal to the store. Some May argue that they pay high price for Starbucks products but isn't it worth for the store experience, free WiFi and great dining atmosphere ?
There are many other things that makes the Starbucks attractive to the regular and new customers. Fell free to share your thoughts in the comments section below
I personally don't enjoy starbucks coffee. Too strong of taste.