Wednesday, 2 March 2016

McCafe Social Media Networks

McCafe Social Media Strategy: -

McCafe is a coffee chain which is started by McDonald's. Now McCafe becomes one of the most successful Coffee house in Canada. As they provide their customers with large amount of different products. Moreover huge Social Media presence of the McCafe is also helps them to be successful.
The various Social Media sites which shows the presence of McCafe are: -
And Many More,

With the help of this post one can easily understand how McCafe uses Social Media to interact with their customers.

The Official page of McCafe is McDonald's Canada which has 822,461 likes on Facebook. The McCafe seems to be very active on Facebook as they post very often on Facebook. Moreover they also spent some time to comment on the post, if someone ask for anything or if they have to provide some specific information to their Customers. McCafe not only post photos, but also they post different videos of their different Products. As the recent video post by them show their new campaign, in which they provide their customers with free coffee until March 6 to promote their new products.


The next Social Media channel on which McCafe is highly Popular is Twitter. As they have 100K number of followers on twitter. They are very much active on Twitter as well, as they post almost daily on Twitter. Now a days they promote their Campaign McCafe Free Coffee on Twitter as well. As it helps them in attracting a lots of customers.

The next Social Media channel for McCafe is Instagram, as they are very much active on Instagram as well. As they have 7378 followers on Instagram. They seems to be very active on Instagram as they posts every day and interact with their customers by commenting and sharing their experiences with the whole world that they have with the McCafe’s Coffee.

McCafe is also very active on their YouTube channel with 208,046 subscribers and 35,981,066 views. On YouTube they main talk about their new products as well as their new Campaign McCafe Free Coffee, to tell more about their company and to promote their products.


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